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Saturday, November 19, 2011

My life

Hey everyone!!  Nothing special going on right about now in my little mundo.  I'm about to enjoy some wonderful time with my momuh and daduh this upcoming week.  Since they decided to take the time off that will equate to extra snuggles with Tato!!  You all know how I feel about snuggles, don't you?  I think everyone needs a little Tato in their life.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Reason's I'm better than a man

I only go to the bathroom when you let me.
I always want to snuggle.
I love you unconditionally.
I'll never cheat on you.
I'm extremely loyal.
I will make you laugh all the time.
I don't judge, even if you have morning hairs.
I have a furry chest (for those of you that like that kinda stuff).

Saturday, November 5, 2011

People, pugs and piles of leaves

As I love to tell you guys, this time of year is wonderful for me.  Aside from the freak 12 inches of snow we got last week, the weather is wonderful.  Leaves are falling on the ground and that gives me something to run around in, crunch under my feet and tinkle into!!  This is one of the reasons why kids shouldn't jump into piles of leaves.  You never know when Tato has peed in them!!

I love seeing people that aren't usually around me.  Even if I know them and have seen them before, I can't help myself and I must act like a total nut and go crazy around them.  This is just how I am.  Deal with it, tots!