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Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm feeling like a happy little wrinkle-dog right now.  Mondays and Tuesdays are great cuz momuh works from home and that means that while she is making the donuts, I get to stay up in the office with her and make ribs!!  Only problem is that I can't seem to keep awake on the job and I end up passing out and jumping up on the sofa to get a little more comfy.  Either way, its nice being a spoiled little pug!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm a shark

Seems like a pretty silly statement, huh?  Thing is, I do a few things that sharks also do.  Whenever momuh or daduh gives me my kibbles for dinner or breakfast, I attack my bowl with gusto.  If you watch me from a side angle you'll see my whole body kinda lurch and almost jump when I eat.  Sometimes a good portion of my body will be off the ground.

In addition to that, whenever we play fetch I'll grab my toy and shake it around in my mouth after I have it, much like a shark that just latched on to it's prey.  Its all very silly and I know that.  After all, I am a pug and I really do live to be silly and make people happy.  This is especially true when those people are momuh and daduh!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm back!!

Sorry about the long delay between posts all my tater tots (that's what I'm calling my fans from now on since I'm nicknamed the tater).  See, the warm weather gets to me and makes me even sleepier and more sluggish than usual.  I know, I know, pugs are slow to begin with.  When the weather gets like it's been, my coordination isn't as good and I just don't have it in me to get up on my hind legs and type very much at all.  I'd much rather be doing what you see below!!