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Friday, July 15, 2011


Hello again, Tater here!!  I'm sooooooo sorry that I haven't been doing well with the updates.  So much goes on my life and momuh and daduh's as well.  Either way, I am doing well.  I'm continuing to boof more at random people and things out the window or when I'm outside on my daily constitutionals.  Momuh and daduh aren't happy about that at all and worry that it may carry over to Gunther.

Speaking of the little nugget, he is doing well too.  He is getting bigger, but right now is in that kinda weird teenage stage with growing.  He doesn't have the typical pug stockiness yet.  He kinda looks more like a string bean right now.  He is definitely full of wrinkles and has the curly-q tail that all us pugs have.  All in all, things are doing otay!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sorry about that

I know, I know, its been way too long since I posted my last update.  Unfortunately, nothing new is really going on in my mundo.  I'm just tatering around the house, boofing at random noises and random people and being pestered by Gunther.  He is getting a lot bigger but still hasn't filled out like an adult male pug yet.  He is on his way and is very handsome.  Hmmm, I wonder if anybody else out there knows of another handsome, dapper pug around these parts?  I dunno, just sayin...  Anyway, wish I had more fun stuff to talk about, but I don't.